The S & P 500 Likely Countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 Appears To Have Peaked In Dramatic Rollover Mode
The S & P 500 (SPX, likely countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 appears to have peaked early today 4-30-09, in dramatic rollover mode (upcycle running out of gas) versus the cycle high at 875.63 on 4-17-09.
SPX rose only +1.48% since the cycle high at 875.63 on 4-17-09, with all of the upside occurred the past two sessions. Sometimes, what appears to be countertrend Wave B action ends up being rollover action. Market timing obviously isn't an exact science, but, it's definitely a science.
Follow my live updates (the "play by play") at Twitter!, at Highly recommended. I'm having fun and networking, in addition to microblogging my Trade the Cycles work/system and opining about a variety of subjects. I'm tradethecycles at Twitter. Joining is easy, then you follow me by clicking follow. Or, you can simply follow my Twitter web site at
One of today's Tweets from early in the session: "Nearly all of today's S & P 500 strength, so far at least, came in the first 15 minutes, poof! LOL"
The S & P 500 (SPX, did two very large rollover upcycles since 3-30-09. The one from 3-30-09 until 4-17-09's cycle high at 875.63, and, the one from 4-21-09 until today 4-30's cycle high at 888.60, note the Elliott Wave 12345 up down up down up pattern since 4-21-09.
The DJUSFN put in a countertrend Wave 2 up cycle high today, see
The Dow Jones U.S. Financials Index (DJUSFN) put in a bearish triple top in week ending 4-17-09, see, so, the DJUSFN countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 has probably peaked.
The longer an upcycle takes to peak, and, the larger it's flat topping area is, the larger the ensuing downcycle tends to be, simply because it's usually a larger, longer, more important upcycle. A prime example right now is the DJUSFN (Financials), see
Watch the S & P 500 (SPX, downside gap at 855.16 (from yesterday's open, then 825.16 and 811.08) the next few days.
SPX (S & P 500) ended the session still possibly in a countertrend Wave B up type move, see^GSPC&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,fs,w14&c=, that might have already peaked and entered a sharp Wave 5 down type decline. Note the down up down up pattern since today's early cycle high at 888.60, with Wave 5 down possibly beginning shortly before session's end. Watch SPX's downside gap at 855.16 from yesterday 4-29's open, that will probably get filled early tomorrow.
Note that the Russell 2000 (RUT) entered a Wave 5 down move shortly before session's end, see^rut&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12%2Cfs%2Cw14&c=.
The very bullish five day intraday broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator at session's end today 4-30-09, see,p12,fs,w14&c=wmt,%5EGSPC, jives with (probably brief) early strength on Friday, followed by likely severe weakness.
SPX (S & P 500) experienced a significant +1.06% rise in fear/+1.06% rise in the wall of worry today 4-30, since SPX (S & P 500) fell -0.10% versus the SPX Volatility Index VIX rising +1.16%, which points to likely significant SPX (S & P 500)/market strength early on Friday 5-1-09.
The savvy non contrarian S & P 500 (SPX) Commercial Traders traded significantly net short, adding 7241 long futures contracts and 16,096 short futures contracts in the five day period ending 4-21-09, see 2/3 of the way down at, which jives with an important SPX (S & P 500) countertrend Wave B monthly cycle high occurring occurring this week in rollover mode.
The savvy non contrarian S & P 500 (SPX, Commercial Traders correctly anticipated this strength, but, they are also anticipating a sharp decline this week/soon. If the data had been the reverse, then, substantial rollover action this week would be likely. Obviously, the modest rollover action this week wasn't a major surprise, but, it'll probably be short lived.
This week's/today's S & P 500 (SPX, cycle high will probably be the end of the countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle (Wave B up of the Intermediate Term Downcycle since 1-6-09) since 3-6-09, see the five day intraday candlestick chart at^spx&t=5d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12%2Cfs%2Cw14&c=.
I'm long FAZ (3x Finance Bear ETF) overnight, purchased on 4-22 at 8.85.
One way to check for a possible market surprise, on a day like today was, or for whatever timeframe one's trading, is to check the S & P 500 (SPX) wall of worry, by comparing SPX to the SPX Volatility Index VIX , see today's comparison at^GSPC&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=fs,p12,fs,w14&c=^vix. VIX works similarly to a lead indicator.
What one needs to do is to compare SPX to VIX, by simply adding them, as I do every day on this Blog after the close. A significant/substantially positive number points to strength (significant/substantial rise in fear) and a significant/substantially negative number points to weakness (significant/substantial rise in complacency), BUT, ANY indicator/tool is secondary to cycles, Elliott Wave patterns, and, gaps.
For an unusually large number, as regular readers know, greater than or equal to + or - 6%, only for a SINGLE SESSION, an unusually large rise in fear points to significant/potentially severe weakness in the next session (maybe the same session if it occurs early enough), and, an unusually large rise in complacency points to significant/potentially substantial strength in the next session (maybe the same session if it occurs early enough).
The collapse in the S & P 500 wall of worry (SPX versus VIX) recently, see^GSPC&t=3m&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,p12,fs,p12,fs,w14&c=^vix, points to a collapse in SPX soon. Note that when VIX substantially outperforms SPX for a while, substantial SPX strength tends to occur shortly thereafter (since 3-6-09 in this case), and, vice versa.
When the S & P 500 (SPX, countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 peaks, it'll probably be obvious. There will probably be a very large -3% to -5%+ decline in a session or two, and, maybe a large bearish breakaway gap will occur and/or a large bearish spike on the daily candle. Also, once downside gap filling action begins (825.16, 811.08, 768.54, etc), then, it's very likely that SPX (S & P 500) has peaked.
The broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator is super bearish since 3-6-09 (countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle began), at +0.00% versus the S & P 500 today/on 4-30, +1.92% on 4-29, +0.19% on 4-28, +2.35% on 4-27, -3.71% on 4-24, -1.19% on 4-23, -0.98% on 4-22, -0.99% on 4-21, +2.43% on 4-20, -1.64% on 4-17, -2.54% on 4-16, -0.92% on 4-15, +1.21% on 4-14, +1.47% on 4-13, -7.52% on 4-9, -0.76% on 4-8, +0.44% on 4-7, +0.14% on 4-6, -0.67% on 4-3, -1.32% on 4-2, -0.28% on 4-1, -0.65% on 3-31, +1.94% on 3-30, +1.67% on 3-27, -0.24% on 3-26, +0.22% on 3-25, +1.23% on 3-24, -3.27% on 3-23, +1.26% on 3-20, +0.33% on 3-19, -1.21% on 3-18, -0.75% on 3-17, -0.44% on 3-16, -0.26% on 3-13, -0.95% on 3-12, -2.73% on 3-11, -3.93% on 3-10, -1.86% on 3-9, -1.81% on 3-6.
The XOM (Exxon Mobil) Lead Indicator was a modestly bearish -0.45% versus the XOI today/on 4-30, -0.35% on 4-29, +0.92% on 4-28, +1.44% on 4-27, -1.72% on 4-24, -1.57% on 4-23, -0.98% on 4-22, -0.23% on 4-21, +2.60% on 4-20, -1.00% on 4-17, -1.62% on 4-16, +0.95% on 4-15, +0.96% on 4-14, -1.90% on 4-13, -0.66% on 4-9, -0.47% on 4-8, +0.61% on 4-7, +1.71% on 4-6, -0.57% on 4-3, -2.70% on 4-2, -0.27% on 4-1, -1.04% on 3-31, +1.96% on 3-30, +1.27% on 3-27, +0.70% on 3-26, +0.04% on 3-25, +0.82% on 3-24, -0.15% on 3-23, +0.13% on 3-20, -3.32% on 3-19, -0.46% on 3-18, +0.00% on 3-17, -0.58% on 3-16, +1.09% on 3-13, -0.78% on 3-12, -1.90% on 3-11, -1.22% on 3-10, +0.66% on 3-9, +1.10% on 3-6, -0.63% on 3-5, -2.98% on 3-4, -0.38% on 3-3, +2.68% on 3-2.
Note that reliable broad market Lead Indicator Walmart (WMT) put in a countertrend Wave B Minor Intermediate Term Cycle High in very early April, see
The S & P 500 (SPX) countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 Elliott Wave count is: A Wave 1 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-9, a Wave 3 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-16, then, a deceptive huge Wave 5 Elliott Wave up down up down up rollover upcycle began on 3-17-09, which is probably peaking this week/probably today 4-30-09, see^GSPC&t=5d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,fs,w14&c=.
SPX's (S & P 500) countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle, that began on 3-6-09, is Wave B up of the Intermediate Term Downcycle since 1-6-09, see
WMT has bearish breakaway upside gaps at 51.53, 52.61, 53.43, 53.80 and 55.54, and, has a downside gap at 48.47.
SPX (S & P 500) has bearish breakaway upside gaps at 712.87 (filled 3-10-09), 735.09 (filled 3-12-09), 752.83 (filled 3-13-09), 826.84 (filled 3-26-09), 815.94 (filled 4-2-09), 832.86 (filled 4-2-09), has upside gaps at 835.48 (filled), 842.50 (filled), 858.73 (filled), 869.89 (filled), 869.60 (filled), and 934.70, see
SPX (S & P 500) has downside gaps at 851.92 (filled), 855.16, 825.16, 811.08, 768.54, and, one at 676.53.
SPX (S & P 500) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since 10-11-07, NDX (NASDAQ 100) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since very late October 2007, and, RUT (Russell 2000) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since July 2007.
FAZ (3x Finance Bear ETF) is a great opportunity to probably make a lot of money now (probably for the next few weeks/months), which is why so many are trading it. Not a recommendation.
Nothing discussed on this Blog is a recommendation, or, should be construed as investment advice.
Follow my live updates at Twitter!, at Highly recommended. I'm having fun and networking, in addition to microblogging my Trade the Cycles work/system and opining about a variety of subjects. I'm tradethecycles at Twitter. Joining is easy, then you follow me by clicking follow after doing a search for tradethecycles. Or, you can simply follow my Twitter web site at I just started using Twitter recently. I'm going to try to make timely live updates at Twitter and make it a real time extension of this Blog. Also, I opine about other subjects.
Great news, GDX/HUI/XAU ARE doing a substantial short term countertrend Wave B upcycle after all (since 4-17-09, they appear to be in Wave 4 down of Wave B, Wave 4 down might bottom tomorrow), see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see GDX's daily chart. The strength since 4-17-09 is Wave B up (and Wave 4 up) of the Wave 2 Intermediate Term Downcycle since 3-26-09 for the XAU (very early April for GDX/HUI). So, this is an opportunity to exit longs, if that's what you're looking to do. I don't make trade recommendations.
The five day intraday NEM Lead Indicator closed at extremely bullish, see^xau, which is a very short term bearish indication.
GDX/HUI/XAU are doing a substantial Wave 4/Wave B up since 4-17-09 (the NEM Lead Indicator closed at +1.00% versus the XAU today/on 4-30, -1.03% on 4-29, -0.56% on 4-28, +2.63% on 4-27, +1.22% on 4-24, -1.75% on 4-23, -1.37% on 4-22, +0.95% on 4-21, -0.02% on 4-20, -0.93% on 4-17, -0.89% on 4-16, -0.03% on 4-15, +0.23% on 4-14, -0.88% on 4-13, +0.18% on 4-9, -1.21% on 4-8, -0.96% on 4-7) of Wave A down (Inverse Elliott Wave 12345 down up down up down pattern), of the Wave 2 Intermediate Term Downcycle since 3-26-09 for the XAU (very early April for GDX/HUI), see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see GDX's daily chart.
The GDX/HUI/XAU Wave 1 Intermediate Term Upcycle since late October 2008 peaked on 3-26-09 for the XAU, and, peaked in very early April for GDX/HUI, see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see their daily chart.
The NEM Lead Indicator turned extremely bullish the past five sessions, at +1.00% versus the XAU today/on 4-30, -1.03% on 4-29, -0.56% on 4-28, +2.63% on 4-27, +1.22% on 4-24, -1.75% on 4-23, -1.37% on 4-22, +0.95% on 4-21, -0.02% on 4-20, -0.93% on 4-17, -0.89% on 4-16, -0.03% on 4-15, +0.23% on 4-14, -0.88% on 4-13, +0.18% on 4-9, -1.21% on 4-8, -0.96% on 4-7.
GDX (Gold Miners ETF, has downside gaps at 33.11 (filled), 29.67, 29.13, 25.41, and 23.23. GDX has very bearish breakaway upside gaps at 34.87 and 34.37, and, NEM has one at 43.89 and one at 41.68. NEM has downside gaps at 36.66 (filled 3-17) and TBD, and, has a downside bullish breakaway gap at 40.14 (filled) from 3-19's open.
Gold hit a 5% major buy signal 13 weeks ago, see annotated chart two at, which indicates that gold very likely entered a Wave 3 Cyclical Bull Market in late October 2008.
Note that gold did an inverse Elliott Wave 12345 down up down up down pattern, from the 3-17-08 Wave 1 Cyclical Bull Market cycle high at $1033.90, to the likely Wave 2 Cyclical Bear Market cycle low at $681 in late October 2008, see the second weekly view chart at Note also, that in both the first daily view chart and the second weekly view chart, that gold has a very large bullish inverse spike at the $681 cycle low in late October 2008.
GDX/HUI/XAU ( hit a 5% follow through major buy signal on Wednesday 12-10-08 (see annotated chart one at, breaking the multi month Wave 2 Cyclical Bear Market downtrend line since mid March 2008 by more than 5%, see HUI at,p12,fs,w14&c=, and, see the XAU at, which means that they very likely entered a Wave 3 Cyclical Bull Market in late October 2008. Note that HUI has a very bullish triple bottom in late October 2008. Trade the Cycles is now obviously on a buy signal for GDX/HUI/XAU.
Keep in mind/major warning that, not all gold/silver stocks have the same cycles. They can be vastly different. CDE (Coeur D' Alene Mines) has/had a Cyclical Bear Market from/since 2004 for example (has been in a multi decade Secular Bear Market also), see Harmony Gold (HMY) is another stock that's been in a bear market since 2002, see
Since this is a Wave 3 HUI/XAU ( Cyclical Bull Market, it's likely to be a great one, since Wave 3 upcycles tend to be considerably larger than Wave 1 upcycles.
The gold/silver stock apocalypse since May 2006 (reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM since 1-31-06 and GDX/HUI/XAU since mid March 2008) is probably finally over for many/most gold/silver stocks, see the XAU's daily candlestick chart at, and, see reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM's daily candlestick chart at Reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM put in a bullish double bottom in late October/late November 2008 at 21.40/21.17.
My original Trade the Cycles system uses the reliable Elliott Wave patterns (see the Trade the Cycles charts at and maps them to cycles of various timeframes (an Elliott Wave is either an upcycle or a downcycle), from very short term (hours/days), short term (days/weeks), monthly (4-7 weeks), minor intermediate term (2-3 months), major intermediate term (3-12 months), long term (1 to 2 years), Cyclical Bull/Bear Market (6 months to 7 years, yes, a bull/bear can be relatively brief), Secular Bull/Bear Market (8-20+ years).
Gaps are very important also, since most gaps get filled and they often provide insight into when cycle highs/lows will occur.
SPX rose only +1.48% since the cycle high at 875.63 on 4-17-09, with all of the upside occurred the past two sessions. Sometimes, what appears to be countertrend Wave B action ends up being rollover action. Market timing obviously isn't an exact science, but, it's definitely a science.
Follow my live updates (the "play by play") at Twitter!, at Highly recommended. I'm having fun and networking, in addition to microblogging my Trade the Cycles work/system and opining about a variety of subjects. I'm tradethecycles at Twitter. Joining is easy, then you follow me by clicking follow. Or, you can simply follow my Twitter web site at
One of today's Tweets from early in the session: "Nearly all of today's S & P 500 strength, so far at least, came in the first 15 minutes, poof! LOL"
The S & P 500 (SPX, did two very large rollover upcycles since 3-30-09. The one from 3-30-09 until 4-17-09's cycle high at 875.63, and, the one from 4-21-09 until today 4-30's cycle high at 888.60, note the Elliott Wave 12345 up down up down up pattern since 4-21-09.
The DJUSFN put in a countertrend Wave 2 up cycle high today, see
The Dow Jones U.S. Financials Index (DJUSFN) put in a bearish triple top in week ending 4-17-09, see, so, the DJUSFN countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 has probably peaked.
The longer an upcycle takes to peak, and, the larger it's flat topping area is, the larger the ensuing downcycle tends to be, simply because it's usually a larger, longer, more important upcycle. A prime example right now is the DJUSFN (Financials), see
Watch the S & P 500 (SPX, downside gap at 855.16 (from yesterday's open, then 825.16 and 811.08) the next few days.
SPX (S & P 500) ended the session still possibly in a countertrend Wave B up type move, see^GSPC&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,fs,w14&c=, that might have already peaked and entered a sharp Wave 5 down type decline. Note the down up down up pattern since today's early cycle high at 888.60, with Wave 5 down possibly beginning shortly before session's end. Watch SPX's downside gap at 855.16 from yesterday 4-29's open, that will probably get filled early tomorrow.
Note that the Russell 2000 (RUT) entered a Wave 5 down move shortly before session's end, see^rut&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12%2Cfs%2Cw14&c=.
The very bullish five day intraday broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator at session's end today 4-30-09, see,p12,fs,w14&c=wmt,%5EGSPC, jives with (probably brief) early strength on Friday, followed by likely severe weakness.
SPX (S & P 500) experienced a significant +1.06% rise in fear/+1.06% rise in the wall of worry today 4-30, since SPX (S & P 500) fell -0.10% versus the SPX Volatility Index VIX rising +1.16%, which points to likely significant SPX (S & P 500)/market strength early on Friday 5-1-09.
The savvy non contrarian S & P 500 (SPX) Commercial Traders traded significantly net short, adding 7241 long futures contracts and 16,096 short futures contracts in the five day period ending 4-21-09, see 2/3 of the way down at, which jives with an important SPX (S & P 500) countertrend Wave B monthly cycle high occurring occurring this week in rollover mode.
The savvy non contrarian S & P 500 (SPX, Commercial Traders correctly anticipated this strength, but, they are also anticipating a sharp decline this week/soon. If the data had been the reverse, then, substantial rollover action this week would be likely. Obviously, the modest rollover action this week wasn't a major surprise, but, it'll probably be short lived.
This week's/today's S & P 500 (SPX, cycle high will probably be the end of the countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle (Wave B up of the Intermediate Term Downcycle since 1-6-09) since 3-6-09, see the five day intraday candlestick chart at^spx&t=5d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12%2Cfs%2Cw14&c=.
I'm long FAZ (3x Finance Bear ETF) overnight, purchased on 4-22 at 8.85.
One way to check for a possible market surprise, on a day like today was, or for whatever timeframe one's trading, is to check the S & P 500 (SPX) wall of worry, by comparing SPX to the SPX Volatility Index VIX , see today's comparison at^GSPC&t=1d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=fs,p12,fs,w14&c=^vix. VIX works similarly to a lead indicator.
What one needs to do is to compare SPX to VIX, by simply adding them, as I do every day on this Blog after the close. A significant/substantially positive number points to strength (significant/substantial rise in fear) and a significant/substantially negative number points to weakness (significant/substantial rise in complacency), BUT, ANY indicator/tool is secondary to cycles, Elliott Wave patterns, and, gaps.
For an unusually large number, as regular readers know, greater than or equal to + or - 6%, only for a SINGLE SESSION, an unusually large rise in fear points to significant/potentially severe weakness in the next session (maybe the same session if it occurs early enough), and, an unusually large rise in complacency points to significant/potentially substantial strength in the next session (maybe the same session if it occurs early enough).
The collapse in the S & P 500 wall of worry (SPX versus VIX) recently, see^GSPC&t=3m&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,p12,fs,p12,fs,w14&c=^vix, points to a collapse in SPX soon. Note that when VIX substantially outperforms SPX for a while, substantial SPX strength tends to occur shortly thereafter (since 3-6-09 in this case), and, vice versa.
When the S & P 500 (SPX, countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 peaks, it'll probably be obvious. There will probably be a very large -3% to -5%+ decline in a session or two, and, maybe a large bearish breakaway gap will occur and/or a large bearish spike on the daily candle. Also, once downside gap filling action begins (825.16, 811.08, 768.54, etc), then, it's very likely that SPX (S & P 500) has peaked.
The broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator is super bearish since 3-6-09 (countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle began), at +0.00% versus the S & P 500 today/on 4-30, +1.92% on 4-29, +0.19% on 4-28, +2.35% on 4-27, -3.71% on 4-24, -1.19% on 4-23, -0.98% on 4-22, -0.99% on 4-21, +2.43% on 4-20, -1.64% on 4-17, -2.54% on 4-16, -0.92% on 4-15, +1.21% on 4-14, +1.47% on 4-13, -7.52% on 4-9, -0.76% on 4-8, +0.44% on 4-7, +0.14% on 4-6, -0.67% on 4-3, -1.32% on 4-2, -0.28% on 4-1, -0.65% on 3-31, +1.94% on 3-30, +1.67% on 3-27, -0.24% on 3-26, +0.22% on 3-25, +1.23% on 3-24, -3.27% on 3-23, +1.26% on 3-20, +0.33% on 3-19, -1.21% on 3-18, -0.75% on 3-17, -0.44% on 3-16, -0.26% on 3-13, -0.95% on 3-12, -2.73% on 3-11, -3.93% on 3-10, -1.86% on 3-9, -1.81% on 3-6.
The XOM (Exxon Mobil) Lead Indicator was a modestly bearish -0.45% versus the XOI today/on 4-30, -0.35% on 4-29, +0.92% on 4-28, +1.44% on 4-27, -1.72% on 4-24, -1.57% on 4-23, -0.98% on 4-22, -0.23% on 4-21, +2.60% on 4-20, -1.00% on 4-17, -1.62% on 4-16, +0.95% on 4-15, +0.96% on 4-14, -1.90% on 4-13, -0.66% on 4-9, -0.47% on 4-8, +0.61% on 4-7, +1.71% on 4-6, -0.57% on 4-3, -2.70% on 4-2, -0.27% on 4-1, -1.04% on 3-31, +1.96% on 3-30, +1.27% on 3-27, +0.70% on 3-26, +0.04% on 3-25, +0.82% on 3-24, -0.15% on 3-23, +0.13% on 3-20, -3.32% on 3-19, -0.46% on 3-18, +0.00% on 3-17, -0.58% on 3-16, +1.09% on 3-13, -0.78% on 3-12, -1.90% on 3-11, -1.22% on 3-10, +0.66% on 3-9, +1.10% on 3-6, -0.63% on 3-5, -2.98% on 3-4, -0.38% on 3-3, +2.68% on 3-2.
Note that reliable broad market Lead Indicator Walmart (WMT) put in a countertrend Wave B Minor Intermediate Term Cycle High in very early April, see
The S & P 500 (SPX) countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 Elliott Wave count is: A Wave 1 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-9, a Wave 3 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-16, then, a deceptive huge Wave 5 Elliott Wave up down up down up rollover upcycle began on 3-17-09, which is probably peaking this week/probably today 4-30-09, see^GSPC&t=5d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,fs,w14&c=.
SPX's (S & P 500) countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle, that began on 3-6-09, is Wave B up of the Intermediate Term Downcycle since 1-6-09, see
WMT has bearish breakaway upside gaps at 51.53, 52.61, 53.43, 53.80 and 55.54, and, has a downside gap at 48.47.
SPX (S & P 500) has bearish breakaway upside gaps at 712.87 (filled 3-10-09), 735.09 (filled 3-12-09), 752.83 (filled 3-13-09), 826.84 (filled 3-26-09), 815.94 (filled 4-2-09), 832.86 (filled 4-2-09), has upside gaps at 835.48 (filled), 842.50 (filled), 858.73 (filled), 869.89 (filled), 869.60 (filled), and 934.70, see
SPX (S & P 500) has downside gaps at 851.92 (filled), 855.16, 825.16, 811.08, 768.54, and, one at 676.53.
SPX (S & P 500) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since 10-11-07, NDX (NASDAQ 100) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since very late October 2007, and, RUT (Russell 2000) has been in a Cyclical Bear Market since July 2007.
FAZ (3x Finance Bear ETF) is a great opportunity to probably make a lot of money now (probably for the next few weeks/months), which is why so many are trading it. Not a recommendation.
Nothing discussed on this Blog is a recommendation, or, should be construed as investment advice.
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Great news, GDX/HUI/XAU ARE doing a substantial short term countertrend Wave B upcycle after all (since 4-17-09, they appear to be in Wave 4 down of Wave B, Wave 4 down might bottom tomorrow), see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see GDX's daily chart. The strength since 4-17-09 is Wave B up (and Wave 4 up) of the Wave 2 Intermediate Term Downcycle since 3-26-09 for the XAU (very early April for GDX/HUI). So, this is an opportunity to exit longs, if that's what you're looking to do. I don't make trade recommendations.
The five day intraday NEM Lead Indicator closed at extremely bullish, see^xau, which is a very short term bearish indication.
GDX/HUI/XAU are doing a substantial Wave 4/Wave B up since 4-17-09 (the NEM Lead Indicator closed at +1.00% versus the XAU today/on 4-30, -1.03% on 4-29, -0.56% on 4-28, +2.63% on 4-27, +1.22% on 4-24, -1.75% on 4-23, -1.37% on 4-22, +0.95% on 4-21, -0.02% on 4-20, -0.93% on 4-17, -0.89% on 4-16, -0.03% on 4-15, +0.23% on 4-14, -0.88% on 4-13, +0.18% on 4-9, -1.21% on 4-8, -0.96% on 4-7) of Wave A down (Inverse Elliott Wave 12345 down up down up down pattern), of the Wave 2 Intermediate Term Downcycle since 3-26-09 for the XAU (very early April for GDX/HUI), see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see GDX's daily chart.
The GDX/HUI/XAU Wave 1 Intermediate Term Upcycle since late October 2008 peaked on 3-26-09 for the XAU, and, peaked in very early April for GDX/HUI, see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see their daily chart.
The NEM Lead Indicator turned extremely bullish the past five sessions, at +1.00% versus the XAU today/on 4-30, -1.03% on 4-29, -0.56% on 4-28, +2.63% on 4-27, +1.22% on 4-24, -1.75% on 4-23, -1.37% on 4-22, +0.95% on 4-21, -0.02% on 4-20, -0.93% on 4-17, -0.89% on 4-16, -0.03% on 4-15, +0.23% on 4-14, -0.88% on 4-13, +0.18% on 4-9, -1.21% on 4-8, -0.96% on 4-7.
GDX (Gold Miners ETF, has downside gaps at 33.11 (filled), 29.67, 29.13, 25.41, and 23.23. GDX has very bearish breakaway upside gaps at 34.87 and 34.37, and, NEM has one at 43.89 and one at 41.68. NEM has downside gaps at 36.66 (filled 3-17) and TBD, and, has a downside bullish breakaway gap at 40.14 (filled) from 3-19's open.
Gold hit a 5% major buy signal 13 weeks ago, see annotated chart two at, which indicates that gold very likely entered a Wave 3 Cyclical Bull Market in late October 2008.
Note that gold did an inverse Elliott Wave 12345 down up down up down pattern, from the 3-17-08 Wave 1 Cyclical Bull Market cycle high at $1033.90, to the likely Wave 2 Cyclical Bear Market cycle low at $681 in late October 2008, see the second weekly view chart at Note also, that in both the first daily view chart and the second weekly view chart, that gold has a very large bullish inverse spike at the $681 cycle low in late October 2008.
GDX/HUI/XAU ( hit a 5% follow through major buy signal on Wednesday 12-10-08 (see annotated chart one at, breaking the multi month Wave 2 Cyclical Bear Market downtrend line since mid March 2008 by more than 5%, see HUI at,p12,fs,w14&c=, and, see the XAU at, which means that they very likely entered a Wave 3 Cyclical Bull Market in late October 2008. Note that HUI has a very bullish triple bottom in late October 2008. Trade the Cycles is now obviously on a buy signal for GDX/HUI/XAU.
Keep in mind/major warning that, not all gold/silver stocks have the same cycles. They can be vastly different. CDE (Coeur D' Alene Mines) has/had a Cyclical Bear Market from/since 2004 for example (has been in a multi decade Secular Bear Market also), see Harmony Gold (HMY) is another stock that's been in a bear market since 2002, see
Since this is a Wave 3 HUI/XAU ( Cyclical Bull Market, it's likely to be a great one, since Wave 3 upcycles tend to be considerably larger than Wave 1 upcycles.
The gold/silver stock apocalypse since May 2006 (reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM since 1-31-06 and GDX/HUI/XAU since mid March 2008) is probably finally over for many/most gold/silver stocks, see the XAU's daily candlestick chart at, and, see reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM's daily candlestick chart at Reliable gold sector lead indicator NEM put in a bullish double bottom in late October/late November 2008 at 21.40/21.17.
My original Trade the Cycles system uses the reliable Elliott Wave patterns (see the Trade the Cycles charts at and maps them to cycles of various timeframes (an Elliott Wave is either an upcycle or a downcycle), from very short term (hours/days), short term (days/weeks), monthly (4-7 weeks), minor intermediate term (2-3 months), major intermediate term (3-12 months), long term (1 to 2 years), Cyclical Bull/Bear Market (6 months to 7 years, yes, a bull/bear can be relatively brief), Secular Bull/Bear Market (8-20+ years).
Gaps are very important also, since most gaps get filled and they often provide insight into when cycle highs/lows will occur.
Labels: DUG, GDX, Gold, Gold Stocks, HUI, NDX, NEM, RUT, Silver, Silver Stocks, SPX, SRS, TAN, XAU, XOI, XOM