................Complacency Keeps A Creepin!
XAU Implied Volatility rose +1.69% to 36.480 on Friday 2-10 from 35.875 on 2-9 versus a -3.07% decline in the XAU on 2-10, which is a significant (0.50-1.99%) +1.38% rise in complacency (+1.69% + -3.07% = -1.38%. The XAU wall of worry shrank by -1.38%, therefore complacency rose by +1.38%) that portends weakness/a downtrend during part of Monday 2-13's session (complacency is usually contrarian, therefore normally portends weakness, until it reachs an unusually large level (> 6% increase) where it becomes non contrarian). That weakness/a downtrend could follow a gap up at the open and early strength. XAU Implied Volatility tends to indicate a trend/tone rather than necessarily a simplistic up or down session. The XAU Put/Call Ratio is another very important indicator that may disagree with XAU Implied Volatility. These indicators must be used in concert with cycle channels/trendlines (very long term, long term, intermediate term, and short term).
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