Trade the Cycles

Thursday, April 09, 2009

SPX (S & P 500) Huge Wave 5 Of Wave 5 Rollover Upcycle Since 3-30-09 Is Doing Wave 5!

SPX's (S & P 500) huge Wave 5 of Wave 5 rollover upcycle since 3-30-09 has now done an up down up down up pattern!, see, and, a huge final Wave 5 spike move is in progress (Wave 5 of Wave 5 of Wave 5!).

The S & P 500 (SPX)
countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 Elliott Wave count is: A Wave 1 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-9, a Wave 3 cycle high/red spike occurred on 3-16, then, a deceptive huge Wave 5 Elliott Wave up down up down up rollover upcycle began on 3-17-09, which is in a peaking mode now/maybe on Monday, see^GSPC&t=5d&l=off&z=l&q=c&p=&a=p12,fs,w14&c=.

SPX's (S & P 500) countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle since 3-6-09 is Wave B up of the Intermediate Term Downcycle since 1-6-09, see

A huge story today (forget Wells Fargo) is broad market Lead Indicator Walmart's (WMT) huge very bearish breakaway gap down from 52.61 at the open, see Also, note WMT's very large bearish spike that occurred shortly before session's end, and, see WMT's large bearish spike on today 4-9's candle at

The broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator was a super bearish -7.52% versus SPX (S & P 500) today/on 4-9.

The broad market Walmart (WMT) Lead Indicator is super bearish since 3-6-09 (countertrend Wave B Monthly Upcycle began), at -7.52% versus SPX (S & P 500) today/on 4-9, -0.76% on 4-8, +0.44% on 4-7, +0.14% on 4-6, -0.67% on 4-3, -1.32% on 4-2, -0.28% on 4-1, -0.65% on 3-31, +1.94% on 3-30, +1.67% on 3-27, -0.24% on 3-26, +0.22% on 3-25, +1.23% on 3-24, -3.27% on 3-23, +1.26% on 3-20, +0.33% on 3-19, -1.21% on 3-18, -0.75% on 3-17, -0.44% on 3-16, -0.26% on 3-13, -0.95% on 3-12, -2.73% on 3-11, -3.93% on 3-10, -1.86% on 3-9, -1.81% on 3-6.

SPX (S & P 500) experienced a sharp +2.16% rise in complacency/-2.16% decline in the wall of worry today 4-9, since SPX (S & P 500) rose +3.81% versus the SPX Volatility Index VIX falling -5.97%, which points to likely severe SPX (S & P 500)/market weakness early on Monday 4-13-09.

Fellow gold/silver bugs, no change in the assessment from yesterday. GDX/HUI/XAU are doing a likely large Wave 5 down of Wave A down (Inverse Elliott Wave 12345 down up down up down pattern), of the Wave 2 Intermediate Term Downcycle since 3-26-09 for the XAU (very early April for GDX/HUI), see the XAU at For GDX/HUI, see GDX's daily chart.

FAZ (3x Finance Bear ETF) is a great opportunity to probably make a lot of money now (probably for the next few weeks/months), which is why so many are trading it (approaching a humongous 156 million shares traded today, in after hours trading). Not a recommendation. FAZ is at 10.71 after hours.

Nothing discussed on this Blog is a recommendation, or, should be construed as investment advice.

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That's it for today. Have a happy Easter to my fellow Christians, have a good weekend to everyone.


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