.......Indicators Portend Some Strength Today
Once short term cycle lows occur, XAU Implied Volatility and the XAU Put/Call Ratio portend strength today. XAU Implied Volatility rose sharply to 33.99 yesterday from 32.87 on Friday, and, the XAU Put/Call Ratio also rose sharply to 1.13979 today from 1.10581 yesterday. XAU Implied Volatility rose more %wise (+3.41%) than the XAU fell yesterday (-1.99%), which was a significant (0.50-1.99%) rise in fear that portends strength. With the XAU Put/Call Ratio I don't do a comparison, because I get it before the market opens, so if it rises that's a rise in fear that portends strength, unless it rises more than 6%, that would be an unusually large rise in fear that portends weakness. ....... http://www.JoeFRocks.com/